freelance web designer

freelance web designer

Based in Kent, I have freelanced as a web designer and developer for 15 years. I work with a diverse range of clients to create websites which address company goals, branding and identity.

I studied to postgrad level at the University of the Arts, London followed by completing a PGCE teaching qualification.

As a freelance, I design and develop WordPress business websites for individuals and organisations.  All websites are unique and designed closely to agreed customer requirements. I provide training for marketing teams and business owners to be able to easily update the content of their websites following completion.

software & web apps trainer

My interest in how web apps are made and the increasing functionality needed on the web has led me in the direction of frontend and backend devlopment, with a focus on  HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python and frameworks Flask and Django. As well as freelance web design, I am a web apps trainer in Software and Web Application Development working with EKC Group alongside the Code Institute.

My main focus in tech and teaching is about how my design and coding skills can help clients learn and get more from the web.

A freelance web designer and developer helping clients across Kent, London and the UK. 

Software and web apps trainer in fullstack development.